Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pundidiots: who has the dopiest fans?

Opinions molders are on television, radio, and in newspapers. They write books, bellow from the pulpit, or lead marches. In general, they opine on matters of public policy. Some are liberal, some conservative, some centrist.

But of all the opinion molders, which one has the most intellectually challenged fans? I don't know, and you can help fill this knowledge gap by nominating an opinion molder for study. This is non-partisan, and all nominations will be considered.

To be nominated, an opinion molder:
1. should have a national reputation or following
2. have an internet presence where his or her fans can post comments.

That's it. Provide your nominations via a post on this blog. Vox populi, vox boum (the voice of the people is the voice of cattle)

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